POP Displays

Permanent POP Display_2

POP displays directly represent your company’s brand. If done properly, POP displays serve as an extension of your brand’s packaging initiatives, retail strategy, and overall marketing goals. PAX Solutions is the perfect partner to help your company create an eye-catching POP display that targets your customers in the right place and at the right time. PAX can help your brand use POP displays to effectively spread awareness about your brand’s mission statement, corporate values, and information about the product.

  • Strategically locate your products in a store
  • Supplemental to retail packaging
  • Helps retailer merchandise your products
  • Proactively answer customer questions
  • More cost effective than other forms of advertising
  • Target impulse buyers
  • Attract attention to a particular product

Our POP Display Projects

POP stands for Point of Purchase


POP stands for “point-of-purchase” and refers to anything that a customer can interact with in a retail environment that affects their purchasing decisions or perception of your brand.

POS, another common acronym in the industry, stands for “point-of-sale” and refers to the retail area where the actual sales transaction of the product takes place. Typically, these interactions occur near the checkout area of the retailer.

POP displays can also be classified and defined based on their estimated useful life. The following are the three main categories used in the POP display industry: temporary POP displays, semi-permanent POP displays, and permanent POP displays.

Temporary retail displays typically have a useful life of 2-4 weeks and do not get refilled with product once the original product has been depleted. Common packaging materials used for temporary displays include corrugated, chipboard, paperboard, and thermoform trays.

Permanent retail displays, as the name suggests, have a longer useful life usually around 1-3 years. Permanent POP displays will be refilled consistently over its lifetime. Common materials used for permanent displays include wood, metal, plastic, acrylic, glass, and many other durable materials.

Semi-permanent is a loosely definite category that covers POP displays that fall somewhere between these two categories and uses materials from both categories.

Have Any Questions?


All POP display projects start with an idea. The best POP display projects start with goals.

What are you trying to accomplish with a POP display? What type of POP display is best suited for this? Is there anything else that would be more effective using less resources? What message are we trying to convey? How will we determine if the display was successful? These are all important questions to think about BEFORE starting any display project. Here are nine attributes to consider before starting your next POP display project

Custom floor displays are one of the most common and effective retail POP displays. Consider using creative structural design and smart graphics to gain attention and relevance during the shopping experience.

Why should someone buy your product instead of an option on the shelf? What does your brand represent? How are you telling your story? Ask the hard questions and get critical with your design.

Custom Floor POP Displays MakeupCustom Floor POP Displays Milk

Counter displays can be a smart addition to a brand’s retail strategy. Ideal for high-traffic visible areas, counter displays are typically designed to grab the attention of customers, enhance brand awareness, and provide an easy way to buy the product.

Is the counter display easy to shop? Does it have a clear message to the customer? What makes it stand out? What would make it better? Don’t settle for mediocrity.

Counter POP Displays Chocolate
Counter POP Displays Nose Button

Pallet displays are an efficient way to sell higher volumes of product in the retail environment. Pallet space utilization and marketing real estate are two factors to consider when designing a pallet display.

Most POP pallet displays are made from corrugated and designed for temporary use. Product price point is typically lower because of the reduced handling costs and higher volumes associated with pallet displays.

What is your packaging budget per unit? How many units should fit on a single pallet display? Is there any way to increase pallet efficiency? Budgets are important when dealing with club stores.

Pallet POP Displays
Pallet POP Displays Food
Pallet POP Displays Peanuts

Endcap displays are great for product differentiation and brand visibility. They are found in high-traffic, high-value retail areas and can be a powerful tool when designed properly. Don’t waste this prime opportunity with a lackluster display. Creative endcap displays can be interactive, educational, and hold the customer’s attention for a long time.

How does your endcap display hold the customer’s attention? Once you have their attention, what do you want to do with it? What does your endcap tell the customer about your brand? Take advantage of your special retail space.

Endcap Display Makeup
Endcap Display Health

Retail signage is a general term that refers to any visual graphics that displays information about your business or product to your customers. The signage can vary in form and size based on the location and intent of your information.

Storefront signage, banners, informational signage, floor mats, wayfinding signage, outdoor signage, ADA compliant signage, persuasive signage, interactive screens, POP displays, floor graphics, department signs, illuminated signs, and many others are all considered retail signage.

The goal of retail signage is to communicate effectively with your customers and target audience. The difference between retail signage and retail POP displays is that retail signage does not directly retail and shelve products.

What is the goal of your message? Why is your message important? What will make people care? Will it influence the customer? Make sure the message is clear and your goal are well defined.

Retail Display Organic Food
Retail Display Coffee
Retail Display Grocery

Power wing displays, also know as sidekick displays, are very similar to endcap displays. Think of them as a mini version of the endcap display. They are typically used for lower value items and impulse buys. Still, many products and brands have successfully thrived in this space.

What advantages would a power wing display offer your product? Does the budget make sense? What is the best way to ship product inside the power wing display to the retailer? Strong growth opportunities for the right product and retail strategy.

Display bins and case stackers are for products that do not require a shelf to be retailed. Either the product already comes in stackable cases, or the product is not easily damaged so can be successful retailed in a large open bin.

The food and beverage industry commonly uses this style of POP display because they are free standing and can be strategically placed to interact with the customer from all angles. Display bins and case stackers also provides brands with an opportunity to project their image or message onto a large graphic surface.

How can you attract customers and influence their decision making process from all angles of your display? Where would this display be most effective for your brand? Is a display bin or case stacker the right display for your product? Don’t force this type of display if your product would be better suited for a different POP solution.

Display Bins Extra Gum
Display Bins Electronics

Inline displays are designed to improve a product’s or brand’s retail presence while on a retail shelf. While most of the displays mentioned are free standing displays that retail from the floor or counter, inline displays are designed to work in conjunction with shelving.

The challenge is coming up with a smart way to improve the customer’s shopping experience without being a distraction or inconvenience. It is important that your inline display actually IMPROVES the experience and interaction with your product or brand.

How would the inline display improve your presentation to the customer? How can you use it to differentiate your product from competitors and be relevant to your audience? Will your customers value the inline display to justify the additional costs? Be sure your inline display is adding something positive to the equation.

Inline Displays Grocery
Inline Displays Tools

All of the POP displays in this list can be made either temporary or permanent. Materials for permanent displays include wood, metal, plastic, acrylic, glass, and many other durable materials. Below are pictures showing some of the permanent options.

Permanent Displays
Permanent Displays Condiments and Snacks
Permanent Displays Golf
Permanent Displays Bed and Bath
Permanent Displays Medical
Permanent Displays Shoes

Learn More About Our POP Display Solutions For Your Business

PAX Solutions asks the right questions and understands the importance of smart POP Displays. Contact us for help and direction on your next retail POP project.